His Heart Missions Fellowship


Psalm 33:11

 The plan of the Lord stands forever, The plans of HIS HEART to all generations

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His Heart Missions – P.O.Box 1742 –  Mooresville, NC 28115

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About Our Fellowship

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Who Are we?

His Heart Missions is a fellowship of individuals and ministries who are called to seek intimacy with God, and then obey Him as He reveals to us the counsel of His will and the plans of HIS HEART.

We passionately love the Lord Jesus Christ and are devoted to living lives that will bring honor and glory to His great name.

HHM values

As a multi-national fellowship of believers we place a high value on being a multi-ethnic, multi-national, multi-generational expression of the Body of Christ. We will always endeavor to be sensitive to, and adapt to these cultural differences.  There are however, certain principles which we believe have great value in any cultural tradition or nation.  These values will determine the style, emphasis, and approach of all His Heart Missions Fellowship ministries around the world. 

Statement of Faith

His Heart Missions works and ministers within many cross-cultural and inter-denominational contexts.  We place a high value on respecting the traditions of others, and demonstrating a spirit of love and understanding.  We do however; believe certain essential truths to be clearly taught in the Scriptures which should never be compromised.  We hold these truths as the standard of faith and practice for our mission family members.

HHM Board of Directors

His Heart Missions Fellowship is an IRS approved 501 (c) 3 Tax exempt Nonprofit Corporation and Public Charity under sections 509 (a) (1) and 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi) of the Internal  Revenue Code which is governed by a Board of Directors. To see the current members of the Broad of Directors clink the button below.

 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for Me.’ Matthew 25:40

Serving others as though we are serving JESUS himself.


Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

 We believe that one of the most powerful ways we can serve God and proclaim the gospel message in the nations is through acts of kindness and mercy done in the name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are constantly seeking new opportunities to serve others and meet their needs as if we are serving the Lord Himself.

Over the years HHM has planted churches, built schools, feeding centers, a radio station, organized free eye glasses clinics, health care clinics, and a wide variety of mercy projects in several nations.

One such example was when we became aware of a town of 6,000 people high up in the Andes Mountains, which had high levels of arsenic in their drinking water that was causing health problems for the people. It took eight years of  prayer and effort, but by the mercy and provision of God we were able to install a filtration system for the entire town of San Antonio de Los Cobres Argentina.

A Few Ongoing Ministries and Projects

Jim "Santiago" Hill

From HIS HEART to yours




las misiones de su corazon

HHM national headquarters in Argentina


Voice of the Andes Radio

“Voz de los Andes Radio”


Naomi's House Uganda

A home for widows, abandoned women, and children

Naioth Bible Institute

Naioth aims to make Gospel material available to all of the Middle East.

Benjamin Bolinger

YWAM pioneer in Nashville, TN